Thread: Open Top Tank
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Old 01/04/2008, 10:34 AM
taillonjohn taillonjohn is offline
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Originally posted by Onte
My husband and I were having this discussion last night. We've just received our refugium, skimmer, overflows (he wanted 2, he's just a redundant dude) and sump pump. He realized the glass top is not going to properly shut now that the overflows are hanging on the back of the tank. I've been trying to explain to him that we ought to consider removing the glass anyway.

I don't know if I feel comfortable leaving the top open and I don't know if I like the look of eggcrate. Do we have any other options? (It's a 72g bowfront.) My brother is telling me that the eggcrate isn't going to keep smaller fish in the tank anyway - do I trust this advice and is an open top the way to go?
I wasnt comfortable with open top at first, but like it now. you just have to be carefull not to buy fish that are known for jumping.

but if you dont want open top, or eggcrate (I agree its ugly), then one idea is you can have your husband build you a canopy for the tank, which will hide all the equipment. Its the nicest option in my opinion. You can get lots of easy canopy plans in the DIY section