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Old 01/04/2008, 09:32 AM
Siffy Siffy is offline
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Location: Huntsville, AL
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Then there's the saws you'll always remember using, and even remember the way it tasted. Cutting a chalk line with one of these requires a bit more concentration.

I'm curious what would happen if you hit a nail or staple with that stopsaw. I'd assume it'd cost you $150 for it by a previous post. That company, even though it's making an incredible innovated product, is seriously ripping people off. There's no way it could cost $1500+ to simply check for conductive material touching the saw blade and rig up a quick (5ms) withdraw system.

The Fes tools saw is nice too, but it'd get aggravating buying overpriced non-standard sized blades that fit a $500+ straight edge.