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Old 01/04/2008, 09:25 AM
jcpatella jcpatella is offline
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Location: New Orleans, LA
Posts: 699
Originally posted by chevegan
we let 2 huge leopard geckos loose in my buds house when he had a roach problem years ago. Well they ate every last one. Those suckers were SO mean! they ran loose in the house for about 6 months. Once we saw one scurrying on the ceiling in the kitchen. When the roaches ran out we caught 1 and couldn't find the other (found him dead in a closet later . )

BTW your rocks are beautiful man. What is your dosing schedule like?
chevegan - hmmm..... I caught a king snake in our backyard last spring. We were taming him until one day he escaped his cage! We've never found him (in the house), but we also never see the occasional roach anymore!

Those rocks are very nice - thanks. They were quite expensive too. Unfortunately, rocks don't come as a bargain - as I'm sure you know! Most of them are around 10-12lbs each, but one of them is a 21 pounder.

I don't have many corals right now, so I have yet to dose anything. My calcium levels remain high so far. I use Red Sea Pro Coral salt, which is high in calc/alk. I'm good about regular water changes, but I need to learn more about dosing. I could bring my alkalinity up a little, but I've been hesitant to dose my tank until I fully understand how to do so (and if I actually need to).
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