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Old 01/04/2008, 12:15 AM
Robert4025 Robert4025 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: San Jose
Posts: 24
Isn't that crazy or what? The pictures were taken when I was on an unschedule business trip to an island named CEBU in the Phillipine.

I was so giggly like a girl that morning that the locals thought I had brain damage...until I mentioned to them how much a thumb-sized acro cost back home and then suddely they want to sell the whole ocean to me.

Nano...the clams pictures were taken at a nearby university's research center on ocean's life. They actually harvested all those "mother" clams in the picture from the shore about 500 meter away and used them to breed tons of babies clams you see in the subsequent pictures. They also breed groupers and crocodiles there too. I would post more pics but afraid I might get in trouble for posting too