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Old 01/03/2008, 07:02 PM
GreshamH GreshamH is offline
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Originally posted by jellygeee
I am checking out the APC battery backup to solve this problem.
The one I'm checking out is the BE650G, cost about $60 in Circuit City. You can check out the run time chart in the link below:

Since I'm running a Hydor#4 pump at 12 watts, it's probably going to last me about over an hour. If the power outage is over a couple of hours, then your best bet will be a bigger power backup unit or an electric generator.
I do not have the time to reply to your post in full, but search for UPS here on RC to see my response to the use of modified sign (not suitable for use with pumps and heaters) wave UPS's like the low end consumer models all use. Or PM Bean Animal (Bill) and he'll fill you in if he has the time
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