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Old 01/03/2008, 04:45 PM
Snapper66 Snapper66 is offline
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Posts: 25
I might buy a 125 Gallon Tank 72 inches long and combine two smaller Tanks into one

I am thinking of Combining two 55 Gallon community Tanks into one 125 Gallon Tank.I would buy a used 125 Gallon Tank and put all the Sand from both and all the live Rock 80 to 100 pounds would easily fit into it.Both 55 Gallon Tanks are 48 inches long and 18 inches high and 12 inches wide.The sand bed in each is Deep 3 to 4 Inches Deep.I would like to buy a 72 inch long Tank 18 inches High and 12 inches wide. A total of 20 Fish between both Tanks most are Clowns and some Damsels.There are some soft corals in one Tank I have a Strong Lighting system on the Tank currently.These two Tanks are over two years old.How Stressful do you think it would be on the Fish and how bad do you think it would cycle again.A long 125 Gallon Tank is what I really want and is a Dream Tank for me.Has anyone ever done this and how did it go for you,I would prefer people with this kind of Experience to give some good Advice on this Subject.I might not do it if it seems to Dangerous on my Fish.The two Tanks have one Purple Tang yes a Purple Tang in a 55 Gallon Tank that is how it is.Seven Black and White Clown Fish one pink spot Goby and one splenids Dottyback and one Harriquin Basslett 6 various Damsels two pigmy angel Fish.Well that is between two 55 Gallon Tanks.If you have experience in combining Tanks I would appreciate your Advice Thank you.If you dont have experience or Helpful Advice on this Subject then you probaley cant Help me Thank you Snapper66.
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