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Old 01/03/2008, 03:56 PM
Dave & Monica Dave & Monica is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Aurora, CO
Posts: 135
Lessoned learned for sure about quarantine. "Treat everything" is now a parable in my reef bible

I still have a few flatworns visible... I dosed again yesterday for the second time and although I dosed more then the first, the flatworns weren’t phased (I ran out of exit as well). My brissle (sp?) stars (from large to small sand stirrers) went wild; all pods, small shrimp, and brissle worms went berserk as well. My wife spent hours cleaning and sifting… she has far more patience then I. After a few hours of carbon filtering, things were back to normal. My Maxima Clam, all corals and fish didn’t seem to be phased.

I had a fairy wrass but that was one of the recent carpet riders. I plan to buy some fish within the next few weeks and you can be certain I’ll quarantine (obviously for parasites and not flatworms). Yesterday we temporary fixed the glass top with spacers for air circulation so I am confident to avoid dry fish on the kitchen floor.

I ordered more exit and carbon today. I calculated the second dose was less then 2X – hard to believe many that dose 4X don’t wipe out your stars and such. I plan to dose again but when I see the large star come out, I’ll pull him out and place him in the quarantine tank.

Sometimes a hobby becomes work, I feel that way after the last few nights…… Thanks again for your posts and advice; I would have quit this hobby for sure long ago if this support group didn’t exist –