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Old 01/03/2008, 01:27 AM
starsbravo starsbravo is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: El Paso, TX
Posts: 317
Well here is my 2 cents. First of all Killingseed, if you have most of the paperwork fille out to make ELPMAS an offical club, how come you dont present that during a meeting instead of just seeing how things turn out. One of the main ingredient in an effective club is communication. Maybe not some people dont want to listen to official club business and maybe some want to be a big part of the club like holding an official seat in the club. However the only way to find out is to start communicating ideas, brainstorming, and coming with solutions that would best serve not only the members in the club but the husbandry of the hobby. My main goal and platform, if it were up to me and I was heading a marine aquarium club would be the preservation of the hobby and the mastering of husbandry. Its fine and dandy to frag, trade, modify and even create new ways of reefkeeping , but I think we need to focus on how to effectively and adaquately keep marine animals in enclosed environment. Most of us do have experience in reefkeeping, but how do we really know that we are promoting optimal coral growth and husbandry? Some of us may half *** some things and other may do everything to a tee, and even some of us dont even know that we are even doing anything wrong. What I sugesst is that we create a more structured club in te sense of meeting topic and presentation. Coral frag swapping can happen at anytime at any part of the meeting so there is no sense having a meeting just to swap frags. We need to help each other out, do some research, present it at meetings so that those who are not so experienced can enjoy the same pleasures. Lets help each other out and come up with detailed schedule next meeting of what we want subsequent meetings to contain. That way there are no suprises and everybody benefits. Heck even if anybody wants to throw in a personal demostration during the meeting we still can have time. Lets make the most of our meeting time when we have it and enjoy everyones breadth of knowledge.
When will I finally get it right?