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Old 01/02/2008, 10:24 PM
medic29 medic29 is offline
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Well, I couldn't get your link to work, so I don't know what light you have. With that kelvin rating for your bulb, your corals will grow fine, actually better than with the 10k or higher bulbs, but it gives off a different color. Usually this kelvin rating will be more yellow, thus the reason why folks go with a higher kelvin rating. You did not mention the wattage of your bulb. This is more of concern than the kelvin rating between the two ratings you mentioned.

Fortunately neither the candy cane nor the frog spawn have high light requirements. If it were me I would probably go with a power compact flourescent light though. You can get one that will run both an actinic bulb and a daylight bulb (the 10k). This would give you a nice look and help your corals "pop" out more.

The frog spawn and the candy cain do not need high flow either; they should do fine with moderate flow. Actually, since I increased the flow in my tank, my frog spawn is not as happy as it was.

Your red-legged crabs should not bother your corals. You can have more of them as well as the snails and other various crabs like Sally light foot crabs, scarlet legged crabs, blue legged crabs. All of these will become part of your clean-up crew and help keep your tank clean. They will eat the detritus, left over food, etc.

I hope that helps.