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Old 01/02/2008, 07:05 PM
killingseed killingseed is offline
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post it anyways.

Too much info or detail on one meeting may be overkill and we might find our self repeating things over and over again. Need to work on different aspects of hobby from equipment, fish and par. care for different meetings. Getting members to do presentation is a great way for other to learn about different things. None of us are experts or have degrees in marine biology but most of us all have experience. I do think a lot of the decision should be made by one or a small group of members. For example, a web site would be nice to have but I don’t want anyone person to set it up. In time that person could fall off the planet for one reason or another and that would leave us in a major bind. One reason I look forward to making a legal name for our group then the group would be in charge of the site and it wouldn’t have to be restarted.
I have done a lot of club chatting during the first set of meetings, but the last couple meetings I really have just let that go casual to see what people say and try to listen what they are talking about. Listening to people chat is a way to come up with other ideas for later meeting.
Allowing people to just chat is another great thing the group has to offer.
Thanks jmait769, I am not here to push making us a legit club right away. Heck I have most the paper work done and could turn it in anytime. I want to know that there is enough people and that most of us agree on what takes place for this to happen and I want other to take part I that detail so their points of views and be add to the structured the club.
It’s up to each and everyone of us to advertise the club. Met and chat with new people at some of the LFS and let them know about some of the stuff we chat or demo at the meetings. I try to chat with someone new at the LFS and tell them about the meetings.
discussing structuring I rather do during meetings only due to that fact that RC is a public open forum. There may be something that don’t concern RC or the open public.
Most meetings have lasted up to 4 hours with the exception of the last meeting where some of continued the meeting at bj bar a grill would have like to see more go with us for the after mass drink and chat. We even took a detour and checked out my tank.