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Old 01/02/2008, 04:58 PM
lark lark is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 185
If I put food directly on my trach and it's tentacles aren't up, I have some critters -- one very agressive peppermint shrimp in particular -- who will try to swipe it before the trach can react.

But it's usually pretty easy for me to induce its tentacles to come out. What works for me is to make sure the lights in my room are on when the lights on the tank go out. I turn off the pumps and, about 30 minutes later, broadcast food into the tank from the top in the general area above the trach. Usually, within about 10 minutes, the tentacles come up, and I just place a small piece of krill or something directly on them.

I don't do this too often, though.