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Old 01/02/2008, 01:32 PM
MarkS MarkS is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: San Antonio, Texas
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Question Making homemade pancakes (or hot cakes, griddle cakes, whatever you call them...)

The hash brown thread got me thinking. I love pan cakes. However, I cannot make them if my life depended on it.

I've tried different box mixes as well as several recipes, but no luck. I heat the griddle to the point that water dances on the surface without dissipating, lightly grease the top and add the batter. I let it cook until the edges are bubbly, at which point I flip. Without fail, the pan cake is burned on at least one side and it's very dense and doughy. I've tried increasing the liquid content of the mix, but that just makes for a thin, dense pan cake. Should I increase the leavening? What am I doing wrong?

I drank some fish food but is OK cause it tasted GOOD ~ vr697getta

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