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Old 01/02/2008, 12:19 PM
newsalt newsalt is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: NJ
Posts: 384

1. How much do you feed you tank?
I feed a Nori about once a week. All the fish seem to eat this. I've really cut down on feeding.
2. Do you have sufficient flow to prevent the majority of the uneaten food and poop from settling?
I'm not sure of the total flow all I can say is my return pump is an Iwaki 40XLRT and I have a Maxi-Jet 900, a Maxi-Jet 1200 and a Modified Maxi-jet 1200 in the tank for flow.
3. What is the photoperiod for the display tank?
MH are on from 1:30pm to 8:00pm
VHO Actinics are on from 12:00pm to 9:00pm
4. How often are you emptying the skimmer out? or how much waste is being removed daily?
I empty the waste collector every week and a half or so. Not sure of the volume.
5. How often and how much water are you changing out?
Not often enough. I recently set up a new saltwater changing drum which makes water changing easier. So I'm planning on doing 5g a week. My total system volume (sump and display) is about 150g give or take.
6. What kind of clean up crew is currently in the tank?
I have several Astrea, nassarius and cerith snails,some hermits and I think there still a small emerald crab in there somewhere. I'm considering a sea hare.