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Old 01/02/2008, 07:09 AM
landlord landlord is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Alexandria, KY
Posts: 482
Nutrients + Light = Algae

Questions for you.

1. How much do you feed you tank?
2. Do you have sufficient flow to prevent the majority of the uneaten food and poop from settling?
3. What is the photoperiod for the display tank?
4. How often are you emptying the skimmer out? or how much waste is being removed daily?
5. How often and how much water are you changing out?
6. What kind of clean up crew is currently in the tank?

The fuge with chaeto can help create a balance but first you need to get the main tank under control. The cyano was probably a result of low flow in the fuge. Not a huge concern when compared to the hair.
