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Old 01/02/2008, 06:48 AM
newsalt newsalt is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: NJ
Posts: 384
Still have Hair Algea

I still have hair algea in my tank. How do I get my hair algea problem under control? I have had a problem for a few months and can't seem to get rid of it. I replaced all my RO/DI equipment because the water being produced was high in TDS. My phosphates at last check were 0.03. I'm running a Phosban reactor and an MRC beckett skimmer. When I do water changes, I try to siphon out as much as I can, but it grows back. I put some cheato in my fuge with lighting on 24/7 but started to see cyano on the walls of the fuge so I turned the light off. The light in the fuge has been off for a few weeks. Cheato is still in there. I didn't see any benefits from the cheato, maybe it needs more time. I'm interested in anyones ideas.
