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Old 01/01/2008, 11:44 PM
gawf4fun gawf4fun is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Lake Oswego, OR
Posts: 35
New aquascaping on 180 gal pentagon mixed reef

I recently overhauled my rockwork and migrated from the stale "rock wall" perspective to a column type design, to enhance my flow and improve the general health of the tank. I used 1/2 pvc to build the columns and drilled holes in my rock to build a more stabile base which will not topple if contacted during cleaning or other maintenance. (This has happened before and cost me a lot of time, stress and SPS growth). Here is a picture of the basic wall structure previously.

The new design has more opportunities for coral placement, better flow, more arches and hiding places for fish and is generally a lot more pleasing for me to watch. I'd appreciate hearing any comments viewers may care to leave.

Here are a few pictures of the new design:

Thanks for any feedback, suggestions, comments, etc. you have.

Fish wishes,

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