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Old 12/31/2007, 11:19 PM
sheisadreamer sheisadreamer is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: honolulu, hawaii
Posts: 8
Red face my 65 gallon tank =]

hi! im quite new to this forum but here is my first ever 65 gallon tank with the help of my boyfriend!!

recently dictyota has been growing on the rock like crazyyy

you cant see the fish since they enjoy hidding in the rock (sobs)

i have:
2 jumping jack
1 male lyretail anthias
2 female lyretail anthias
1 benjai cardinal (one mysteriously vanished)
1 copperband butterfly
2 turbosnails
and hitchhickers that came on the live rock such as sea hares and nudibranches hahah =]

ohhh! also what is this? is it a worm or wuuuhhh?? haha sorry in advanced if its a stupid question. i saw it recently in the tank:

ill post more pics later heheh

so what do you think?