Thread: Free Ritteri
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Old 12/31/2007, 08:22 PM
aquaconnect aquaconnect is offline
Flatworms = reef herpes.
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Southwest Missouri, where everyone wants something for free.
Posts: 467
Well, it got kinda messed up in my overflow last night and puked his guts in the bag. My grandma was in the hospital, and just died at 6:30 tonight, so I took him up to Fish to see if he wanted to save him while I was at the hospital because I honestly didn't have time to muck with it. Sorry to everyone about everything, I've just been busy.
Thanks for removing my signature RC!
Oh crap, not another icestorm!!!
Now tornados in January?
What's next, the big earthquake everyone's been talking about for years!