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Old 12/31/2007, 12:51 PM
DocReefer DocReefer is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Cleveland OH
Posts: 64
My experience has been that the biggest hit to the tank is the loss of circulation. No circulation means the corals die in their own waste. The temp, alkalinity didn't help but the lack of circulation is a definate killer. I would put in lots of charcoal, lots of circulation, lower the temperature to your tanmks lower limit (to lower the metabolism) and cross your fingers...
180 gal AG mostly SPS
- 200 lb LR, 50 lb LS SSB
- 750 W HQI OceanLights
- Tunze 6100 x 2 with multi
- Typical conditions: 500 Ca, 11 dKH, NO2/NH3 ND, NO3 5 ppm, pH 8.4