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Old 12/30/2007, 08:26 PM
ACBlinky ACBlinky is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Peterborough, ON, Canada
Posts: 3,804
At 7am on moving day - everything was packed, tank was torn down, livestock were all in buckets waiting to go...

Hubby: "Hi, we're here to pick up our 27' truck"
Rental guy: "Uh... it hasn't been returned yet..."

At midnight that same day...

Hubby: "They said I could pick up our truck at this location, it was supposed to be ready at 7am?"
Rental guy: "Sorry, we don't have anything available. Not sure why they told you to come here, we're not expecting any returns tonight..."

We finally got underway the next morning. By the time we had moved to a new city, we'd lost most of the corals and two of our fish despite our best efforts to keep them warm and oxygenate the water (we even did small water changes with our extra water and had battery powered pumps for the trip). Next time we're hiring movers.
"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea."
- Isak Dinesen