Thread: Free Ritteri
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Old 12/30/2007, 04:03 PM
aquaconnect aquaconnect is offline
Flatworms = reef herpes.
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Southwest Missouri, where everyone wants something for free.
Posts: 467
Free Ritteri

I have a free Ritteri that needs a good home. It's about 3" or so, greenish tan, the regular one. I had it for about a year, then gave it to Matt, and he doesn't want it anymore. It's in a zip lock bag, in a cooler and will be floating in my sump later tonight when I get home. If some one wants it, they have to come a get it tomorrow or I'm going to flush it. Just shoot me a pm w/your contact info and I'll get a hold of you when I get back to town.
Thanks for removing my signature RC!
Oh crap, not another icestorm!!!
Now tornados in January?
What's next, the big earthquake everyone's been talking about for years!