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Old 12/30/2007, 03:39 PM
FUA FUA is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Upstate New York
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jab502, I guess also why I am not in such a hurry to add fish and inverts is because I already have two smaller tanks established that I add struff to. I also remember how much I was chomping at the bit to add stuff when I first started. The excitement actually never ends no matter how long you have been in the hobby Iam sure. One of the first persons that put this idea in my head is my LFS. which is a nice notion that the LFS would rather see your tank ready for additions than just selling, selling, selling to make a buck and putting you off to a bad start. I know that I am not an expert either, but I don't think six months is too much to ask while only adding a clean up crew to get things going.