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Old 12/30/2007, 03:38 PM
KyleO KyleO is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Brentwood, CA (Bay Area)
Posts: 381
I think you are absolutely right about patients. Not enough of us have enough of it. I am certainly guilty of being too impatient to get this or that.

As I agree with the fact that a well established DSB and Pod population is very beneficial to any Reef, I think the most important piece of the puzzle is the Refugium. You absolutely need a place for Pods to breed. Even with a lot of LR and hiding places in your display, the Pod population is getting worked over pretty good by fish and inverts (especially wrasses and dragon gobys).

The Pods need a sanctuary to reproduce and proliferate. They also need a way back into the display. A lot of Reefers think that the Refugium is only for Macro growth and nutrient export. Every time I mention this I get a lot of negative responses........but, FUA, you have the right idea. Just make sure your Refugium is fully active up to and beyond the populating on the display.
Enjoy every don't have nearly as many left as you think!!!