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Old 12/29/2007, 10:24 AM
Froggy Froggy is offline
Obsessed reefer
Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Canton, MI
Posts: 1,339
Originally posted by King-Kong
So far no one in here has an actual DSB, but SSBs which are vacuumed
It is true that I do not have a DSB by the true sense of the phrase ( 4 - 6 inches or greater throughout the whole tank ). Maybe I have a 1/4 - 1/2 DSB . The right end of my tank is at least 6 inches deep and has been that way for years.

Let me clarify on my vaccuuming routine. I only brush the surface of the sand bed and "never" plunge the syphon into the bed. I just vaccuum the detritus that may collect on the very surface of the bed before it has time to work it's way deeper into the bed through flow advection. Anytime I accidentally push the syphon into the bed, I accidentally vaccuum out a multitude of red spagetti worms. I really hate when that happens.... Luckily the bed is full of them. I wonder if there are any that have a long standing DEEP sand bed. I would like to hear.

ridetheducati, do you have any ideas on what caused the "crash" or caused the bed to lose efficiency ?

I have personal thoughts on why some beds may fail. These include improper Calcium/alkalinity/PH management, too little feeding that reduces the amount of bed fauna, and too low of flow. Some people think you can only have a lot of flow with large grained beds and BB setups. It is just as important to have good flow in DSB setups as you need the water flow to move through the bed. This is important to its health. If flow is too low, you may experience binding which reduces the beds effectiveness.

Lets hear more experiences !!
Hello, my name is Joe and I am a reef addict.

......Hi Joe..........