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Old 12/29/2007, 02:41 AM
ATB USA ATB USA is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: san jose ca
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Heres his post earlier
Yeah, the skimmer has been impressing me more and more. My bioload is actually pretty light; 2 tangs (4" and 6"), a maroon clown (4"), and a mandarin fish (3"). I do try to feed twice a day, but never more than the fish can quickly consume. The tank is well developed, so their's a pretty substantial amount of micro fauna and flora as well. Unfortunately, I lost most of my sps in a move from another tank earlier this year (a cucumber hidden in a rock in the same bucket as a lot of coral did not move well) so my coral load is almost nonexistent, but the ones I still have are looking better by the day. They are coloring up very nicely as the skimmer pulls more gunk out of the water. It's definitely making me look forward to repopulating my corals!

I took more pics and I'll get them posted sometime this evening.