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Old 12/28/2007, 12:30 PM
mattsilvester mattsilvester is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2000
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Lyretail Anthias - the King is dead, long live the King! Options?

Well, my lyretail anthias have been brewing up for WW3 for the last few weeks, and last night it happened.
The biggest female had reached a ponit where she was bigger than the male - and today the "the king is dead, long live the king" ..... well, the male is hiding having lost the fight and the new male is swimming around. In spite of loosing te fight however, he appears to be in better shape - the new male is quite battered, fins in shreads, breathing heavily, etc.

So, I have to remove one of them and have two options:

Option 1: Remove the new male, letting the old one regain his dominance. The old male appears to be in better shape in general - the new one could yet fall prey to sickness.......

Option 2: Remove the old male, letting the new male keep his prize. Keep the old male in q-tine for a month, and if all goes well, return him to the shop, BUT...... if the new male takes a turn for the worse, I can reintroduce the old male......

I would prefer to keep the new male to be honest, he has proved to be the stronger fish, hence must generally be healthier......



