Thread: Ich
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Old 12/27/2007, 10:48 PM
Acro-Phobia Acro-Phobia is offline
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Definitly two roads to travel here. When it comes to nature, ......the biological process, you cannot stop it or contain it. Ich, like anything else, will find a way. Yes, I watched Jurrasic Park several times. :-)

I ask you this. How stressed is a 4" tang going to be crammed in a 20 gal quarintine tank with his buddies for 3 months while the main tank sits empty. Humm? Let me see.

Like I said, two roads to travel, depends on which one makes you feel most comfortable, and, keeps your fish alive, healthy, and happy. I accept that Ich is there and total erradication is a goal too high to achieve without creating a house of cards that will eventually fall down. I also do not accept that any and everything that goes in my system has to sit in quarintine for 2-3 months to keep my main system ich free. That makes this work and not fun.

Well.......glad I got that out of my system....sorry guys, I must have had too much sugar today. LOL!