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Old 12/27/2007, 07:09 PM
Engine 7 Engine 7 is offline
Wet Hand Club of Chicago
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Chicago
Posts: 3,304
Originally posted by killagoby
Yep, that about explains it...
Unable to figure out how to make something work? Just post a thread claiming that the product is inferior and a POS lol.
The guy that posted the origional post does not seem to have luck with anything in this hobby except griping.
Dude, you need to ask for help instead of making so many false claims. Out of his three posts there were 2 other people that agreed with him, not "many".
Stop making yourself look bad by posting more false claims. The TLF reactor is not DIY like you keep saying. It came with instructions, use them or ask for help from people that have better luck with things. It is obvious that you put it together wrong.
If you read his previous posts you will see a pattern of him being unable to make things work in this hobby. I really didnt see any questions or him asking for help, just blaming others for his misfortune.
Send me that reactor and anything else you cannot figure out. i will pay your shipping.
PM me for info dude.

If you work on a lobster boat, sneaking up behind someone and pinching him is probably a joke that gets old real fast