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Old 12/27/2007, 12:26 PM
Sk8r Sk8r is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Spokane WA
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Cool it with the candles in the tank room---use em in the kitchen, elsewhere, but nothing in the tank room---and people who have one of those automatic air fresheners that's really heavy---I wouldn't do it near my tank.
If it stinks/smells/is aromatic---don't do it near the tank. Give your tank room, be it the living room, whatever, a break. No Carpet Fresh, no vacuum-it-out-of-the rug carpet cleaner. I do know that Spot Shot is safe, ditto Resolve...and it works better anyway. Steam cleaning your carpet is safe.

Another point: those of you who have basement sumps, I wouldn't use dryer sheets if your washing machine is in the same basement as your sump. I use no dryer sheets, and I use only 'fragrance-free' soaps. [Personally I think it's healthier for your family: I get so spacey when I inhale that stuff in the grocery story I have to get out of that aisle before I can recall what I came to the store for.]

Here's one way to manage ordinary living and volatiles near a tank: make the rule as None. Period. Then when you run up against an oops---or a must-do---ask on RC for safe brands, or make your own list----well, we used Resolve on the carpet and nothing in the tank went belly-up.

And remember to run carbon for a few days if something happened with a product you don't trust.

Also---AMOUNT has something to do with it. Use any must-do substance gently near the tank.

Good cleaners: white vinegar, amazingly cheap, cleans really, really well and leaves no streaks. Microfiber wiping cloth: great stuff, gets off hard to move streaks. And one of the best: Mr. Clean Erasing pads---they're white, like little microfiber sponges, and they will erase almost anything from anything. Got one of those household blackboards that's getting hard to erase? Eraser pad. Got a hair dye stain on formica nothing else has gotten---Eraser pad will sometimes make some headway with it, given persistence. Try it on anything. Fridge surfaces. Oven top. Kids' markup of the woodwork or walls. Nothing but water and that pad. No volatiles, no fuss.

Bad cleaners: ammonia. Lethal. Volatile oils, like Pledge, Old English, Carpet Fresh.

To avoid: automatic dispensing room fresheners and longterm high scent candles: if it knocks your head off, it's not a real good idea. A small squirt of Lysol is ok: a small half-second puff of most room fresheners is ok. Walking around the room fogging it with room freshener or Lysol: not good. Bad enough when our tanks had lids. Not cool, with these unlidded tanks.

"Make haste slowly." ---Augustus.

"If anything CAN go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible moment."---St. Murphy.