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Old 12/27/2007, 01:41 AM
Kennyboy1984 Kennyboy1984 is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by kaserpick
[B]KennyBoy: I believe your original question was about light penetration in relation to a smooth water surface.

If we take a look at intensity reflection models, then we see that the reflection of light is maximized on smooth water surfaces. The more light that is reflected, the less that is penetrating. So, I would conclude that surface agitation (which gives the light many angles to possibly penetrate) would optimize the amount of light that is reaching our corals.

Hmmm, so a clear flat water surface acts more like a mirror and reflects more light than lets in. That makes sense. Initially I looked at it like this. If I can't see down to the bottom of the tank clearly maybe light cannot find its way down to the bottom clearly. Heh. If anyone with a scientific background could chime in on this it would greatly be appreciated. I'm gonna try leave my water surface with minimal agitation for a few weeks and see if I notice any changes like more polyp extension, better color, etc. Also its really awesome to look straight down at your clams and sps in all their natural beauty and color!
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Last edited by Kennyboy1984; 12/27/2007 at 01:47 AM.