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Old 12/27/2007, 12:09 AM
crt81 crt81 is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Posts: 57
Originally posted by ACBlinky
If you're adding a pair of clowns, a royal gramma, a midas blenny, and a wrasse (depending on the wrasse), you might consider:

- Talbot's damsel (very small, non-aggressive damsel - mine's full grown at 1.5" and very sweet-natured)
- Clown goby (a ton of personality in a 1.5" fish, may nip SPS but won't kill the coral)
- Shrimp goby with a pistol shrimp
- Blue/green chromis

All reef-safe, invert-safe and should get along with the mix you mentioned. One caveat, if you're planning on an anemone for the clowns the clown goby might not work - they perch (as do hawkfish) and anemones tend to eat tiny fish that perch on them!
Well I hate damsels! I have a yellowtail and I cannot get it out it of my 12 gallon. It is very distructive. It disturbes all my corals and hassles my midas when feeding time comes around.

I'm not a fan of chromis.

And I'm not going to be putting an anemone in the tank b/c it will be a reef and I don't want to have it move over my corals and kill them. So the anemone is out of the question!

Thanks for the suggestions!
12 galllon aquapod reef.
65 gallon reef tank in the process!