Thread: Club Web Site
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Old 12/26/2007, 11:12 PM
scootman scootman is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Pensacola, Fl
Posts: 20
I know I'm a stranger to you all, so let me introduce myself. My nickname is "Scooter" (it's a long story) and I live just north of Pensacola. I'm fairly new to RC and to this portion of the site. I like the idea of other hobbyist in the area forming a legitimate group.

Personally, I'm more interested in frag swapping and learning tricks from those with more experience. I wouldn't be one to attend monthly/quarterly meetings and cast votes...etc, but I would be there seeking bargains. If establishing a formal group would provide me with better prices on goods and services, then I'd be glad to chip in a few dollars to make this happen.