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Old 12/26/2007, 12:22 PM
|233F gee|< |233F gee|< is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: brooklyn ny
Posts: 64
David, I was trying to believe your side of things while reading this until I saw the light when I read your post with the quote I included. Now I see you're an idiot that really shouldn't deal with the general population.
I'm glad you posted this, your obviously showing your mental capacity here, calling names. Usually, when people troll, as often happens here and elsewhere they use an alias, and or a newly created nickname, and the number of posts regarding this does matter. With regards to dealing with the genral public, I don't and maybe if you udnerstood the concept of this phrase then you wouldn't have posted this remark. Dealing with the general public refers to being in a sales or customer service type position. I am a customer! Obviously this has escaped your enormous mental power. Far be it from me to criticise you, and I won't look behind the curtain either ok? Thanks for the yet again disparging remarks entirely unjustified. I didn't personally attack you, so get off your high horse.

I'll give you my work number, go ahead and call me. I guarantee you it will be a military installation...
Don't get me started on whom you work for or government employees, your entire branch of the government is ruled by an oxymoron, and no I don't want to call your work number, obviously you must be bored to have time to chit chat on the phone. thanks but no thanks.

Please try to stay ontopic, experiences with Marine Depot.

David V.