Thread: chevron tangs
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Old 12/26/2007, 09:48 AM
Phyxius Phyxius is offline
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My wife picked one up for a replacement for an Atlantic tang we lost after 2 yrs. They are expensive but she caught it at local store on a sale day and also had a email coupon so it was bought pretty cheap.
We had some issues getting it to eat in QT and was really timid in the tank.
After being able to get it to eat some flakes we went to pellets, Nori sheets and some frozen mix Formula one. We kept its food loaded with Selcon and added some garlic extract to it also once in awhile.
4 weeks in qt and it went in the large tank and eats anything you throw at it from nori to prepared foods to just grazing the tank picking at algae in there. Its no longer timid and comes right to the front when you go by.
I have heard good and bad on these guys when you first get them and like I said we had a time getting ours to eat at first. Once he got a food he would readily take we mixed others in and he gradually started with those too. He is getting fatter all the time and a joy to watch in the tank. His best tank cruising buddy is actually our 6 line wrasse. Its a funny pair to watch staying together all the time.

Here is ours a few days after he left QT and went in the big tank.