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Old 12/26/2007, 01:26 AM
madadi madadi is offline
barnacle boy
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Chicago, IL by Midway airport.
Posts: 740
i raised my calcium to 480 over the past week so i think that might have contributed to the low alk also.

i have this medial dosing pump that i can dial in from 1ml to 300ml per hour. im going to dissolve 4 pills in 240ml and drip that into the tank at 10ml/hr which comes out to a 24hr drip period. i think thats about 2-3 drops per minute so its very very low flow. it might help to maintain a more constant set of water parameters which is crucial for sps corals especially. my fish seem to be responding positively to the vitamin C also. i added the pills directly to the sump yesterday and my skimmer went nuts. i never seen it do that before. a very very slow vitamin C drip might be ideal. according to what i have been reading, for the ascorbic acid to remain potent in solution longest it shouldn't have much oxygen to react with. Good RO water low in oxygen is best if you want to dissolve it in a separate container and drip it slowly into the tank. im going to start the drip in the morning.
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