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Old 12/25/2007, 07:24 PM
Animal Mother Animal Mother is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Texas
Posts: 102
Really sucks, especially on Christmas holidays... not very cheerful at all.

I did several water changes over a couple of days, ran the skimmer heavy (typically didn't run the skimmer on the pony tank) and added a HOB filter to run carbon. 3 of our seahorses were on the bottom of the tank...among the other dead ones... breathing very slowly and looking very weak. I moved them to another tank and a few hours later they were swimming around again.

Didn't notice any difference in the water as far as smell or color goes. Looked fine on first glance, then I noticed all of the horses laying on the bottom in a mass grave... depressing.

Cucumbers should be boycotted IMO.