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Old 12/25/2007, 07:08 AM
mcliffy2 mcliffy2 is offline
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Originally posted by DamnPepShrimp
What about the octopus NW recir 300? Retails for $750? A RC member is selling a used one for $650 shipped, still outta my price range, but new its under a grand. Will the extreme out perform it? I just want to make sure this skimmer will handle my 360g.
Im more a reef tank guy, but given that you dont need the super low nutrients in a FO tank like you would in an SPS reef, I'd tend to think this, coupled with water changes would do the job just fine.
118g SPS/LPS semi-circle :
190 lbs LR,
30g ADHI Sump,
Mag 9.5 return,
Tunze 9010 skimmer,
Phosban Reactor,
4 Tunze Nanostreams Modded,
retros: 400w MH + 4x39w 36" T5