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Old 12/25/2007, 06:56 AM
MyCatsDrool MyCatsDrool is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Under the Sea
Posts: 336
Just a note of follow-up on this post, if that is alright:

My experience has shown recently that macroalgae does indeed need to be quarantined. A recently received ball of chaetomorpha was the cause of death by way of amyloodinium for my beloved blue spotted jawfish.

I am now fallow, treating my black and regular occellaris clownfish, and my scissorstail dartfish in a QT. Presently, I am treating them with Chloroquine and will try Hydrogen Peroxide in the next few days if conditions do not improve. I am also running UV on the display while it is fallow.

I can't tell you how much it broke my heart to have a $5 ball of chaeto introduce such devistation on my tank, and kill my beloved and most pricey fish in less than a few days. It was devistating, and the death was not pretty.

QT anything wet.
I Skim Naked.
Recovering Alcoholic/Addict. Humble, but proud of it.