Thread: merry christmas
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Old 12/25/2007, 06:39 AM
crzy4reefs crzy4reefs is offline
i'm here for you two
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: RI
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I'm really surprised he isn't up now LOL. he crashed card from his toy high yesterday, and he was sooooooooooo posing for the camera when opening his gifts.

I'm all set and ready to go packed up the gifts that are going to my inlaws house, finished my yummy cheesecake with mini oreos on top (i'll take a picture) potatoes were peeled and chopped last night and are in the fridge i'll cook those soon. now i'm just relaxing before the chaos starts.
where are we going? and why am i in this handbasket??

A wedding? I love weddings! Drinks all around! "Cap'n jack sparrow"