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Old 12/24/2007, 11:19 AM
ACBlinky ACBlinky is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: Peterborough, ON, Canada
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I agree with jmaneyapanda - it's pretty much impossible to overfeed a tang, but it is important to feed the right things.

I offer my yellow tang (and her tankmates) nori, dulce and wakame seaweeds on a clip - at least one of these is available to them daily. They also get a rotation of 'blender mush' (homemade blend of seafoods and seaweeds), flakes soaked in Selcon, pellets and all the live-rock grazing they can handle

The tang is enormously fat, as are the rest of our fish, but they're far from overfed. To me they look as they should - not the typical scrawny specimens we see at the LFS, which have been starved for up to 2 weeks prior to and during shipping.
"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea."
- Isak Dinesen