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Old 12/24/2007, 03:27 AM
Registered Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: NJ
Posts: 285
That look just like the fuge i'm using

The way I'm setting up the W/D the fuge part would be the same size as what I'm using now..the rest of it would just give me a sump...I'm upgrading my stand so now I can fit something bigger re:this W/D

What I'm really going for is to make this one sump two separate parts
(if that makes any sense)

The fuge part will be sealed (aside from the drain)
I'll have a hole in the fuge floor dropping most of
the water into the sump. my drain from the tank
will be split with a T and ball valve to get a slower
drain into the fuge. It might sound like an odd setup
But I like the idea..