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Old 12/23/2007, 10:24 AM
BigSkyBart BigSkyBart is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: BigSkyCountry
Posts: 377
glad you're ok & walked away with as little bodily damage as you did

I am just starting to wear seatbelts on a more regular basis, I guess I'm the exception to the rule

in 1976 my best friend ALWAYS wore his seat belt (who wore belts back then?) I watchd him burn to death in a car accident when he couldn't undo his belt & I couldn't reach thru the flames with a knife to cut him free

to this day the sound of a seatbelt clicking brings that image to mind in a very vivid horrific manner

1994 I walked out of a 65mph head on (me in a dodge diesel, the drunk that passed out & veered into oncoming traffic in a nissan pickup)
I walked away with sore shoulders & neck for a few days
I bent the steering wheel & steering collumn & folded the brake pedal under when it hit the stop, no steering wheel in the chest, no face in the windshield
I don't think head-ons with out a belt on are supposed to end that way
as scary as it may be, bart and i are very similar in our opinions of this topic

HEY! I lost it first ~CRP

There is no "Brain" in "Brian." ~Beerguy