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Old 12/23/2007, 03:31 AM
AquaReeferMan AquaReeferMan is offline
I hate line 42!!!!!!!
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Shillington, Pa
Posts: 3,128
This is what Im running in my 125g with the same foot print. Bermuda 3C skimmer, 20g fuge, and 50g sump.

5" hippo tang
4" achilles tang
3" kole tang
5" saddleback clown
3" saddleback clown
3" flame angel
3" leopard wrasse
3" yellow watchman goby
3" starry blenny
3" purple firefish
2" chromisx6
1" neon gobyx2

I have twice the amount of fish as you do. My params are in check as well. If you take out the vlamingi tang you would have a significant lower bio-load. This would free up some space for some more smaller fish. I enjoy a larger number of fish. A lot of traffic going on reminds me more of a reef setting.
125g~Zoa dominated~SPS~LPS~Clams~GBTA~S. haddoni~Evil Clowns~Tangs~Leopard Wrasse~Starry Blenny~Flame Angel~Purple Firefish~Gobies~Chromis~2xCleaner Shrimp~2xHarlequin Shrimp~Pistol Shrimp