Thread: dynoflagilates
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Old 12/22/2007, 12:22 PM
delsol650 delsol650 is offline
Semi Reefing Vet
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Pacifica, Bay Area
Posts: 4,676
I went the extreme, and NO LIGHTS for full 7days. Hardly fed tank, no water changes, kept pH high at 8.3 temp around 80. after 7 days all dinos turned to dust.

suctioned most of the dead dinos, 2 50% water changes and ran LOTS of carbon during and after the bout. Carbon lessens the toxins emitted by the dinos.. These really kills most if not all the inverts in the tank. which is why I lost a lot of snails, conchs, pods and some corals.
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