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Old 12/22/2007, 01:39 AM
Registered Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: NJ
Posts: 285
What do you know about sump/fuges?

I'm getting ready to glue this thing together but before I do I wanted to have a few of you sump Gurus check it out and let me know if you can improve on it...

I have this wet/dry filter (Thanks Stan) and I thought I'd make use of it
So far I cut a few baffles to fit using the same thickness plexi as the sump.

The floor of the Bio ball chamber is now solid and will be sealed with weld-on 4 I also added another chamber in the Bio ball area for a DBS
but I'm not sure how much space I want to tack with that just yet.

On the top of the DBS I have (5) 1/2" drain holes that came from the factory. On the other side I'm going to add 2 baffles but I'm not sure witch one to have open (on the bottom) I'm assuming the first one past the DBS...

On the return I wanted to split it with a T (or a Y if I can find one) to get lower flow going into the fuge (using 1/2" PVC and a Ball valve) and higher flow to the sump.

What do you think? will it work alright or do you have an idea for a improvement ..Please don't hold back I only want to do this and if someone has a better idea for this I would love to hear it...

Heres a pic of what I have so far...the return pump and skimmer are for illustration only..