Thread: FijiMud
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Old 12/21/2007, 11:27 AM
NocturnalReef NocturnalReef is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: saline, MI
Posts: 44
you said your not getting the color out of your tank you want? color has a lot to do with lighting.. what color kalvin rating are you using?

Another is that maybe your sps isn't in a rea that best fits it... like a slower flow area..lower light or too much light depending on your lighting.

I had a large problem with keeping my colors when i first started but i found out that the more you neglect chemicals and water changes the more thye tend to turn on you... sometimes they come back to their original colors though. Sometimes not as bright but they do come back

The skimmer does skim out trace elements, but i used to use fiji mud and gold, the gold sucked at keeping my calcium levels high but i did find that my corals would open more when i added mud. One thing i did was just mix it up and add it as reccomended instead of wasting the money on making a whole bed of mud. on other thing is that junk loves to clog skimmers, my pumps were always a mess after using mud