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Old 12/20/2007, 04:41 PM
ski979 ski979 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 8
turbo snails/coral

i have a 29gal bio cube saltwater tank ive had it running for about 6 months, i have 2 hermit crabs i put in when i first cycled the tank and 2 small fish one i had for about 4 months they other just put in and seem to be doing fine i test my water and do routine water changes/water testing about every 3 weeks using petco's nsw temps are about 78 degrees and all is well. my problem is that when i try to put snails in and small coral {xenia} and some pulps they all die, the snails turn over on their shells and coral dont seem to even have a chance i dont understand because the hermit crabs and fish are fine but cant seem to add anything new i cant figure out what im doing wrong can someone help me..