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Old 12/20/2007, 03:22 PM
opiumpipez opiumpipez is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Wellesley, MA
Posts: 122
head loss is basically the amount of pressure lost at a given height.

so for example. my eheim 1260 is rated at 640 gph (approx) at 0 head. then, as you increase the distance between the pump and the return bulkhead there will be a proportionate amount of pressure loss (due to gravity and distance).

if you choose stock SPS, you will need quite a bit of flow (anywhere between 40x and 80x your total tank volume).

so for example,

in my 75 gallon (85 gallons will sump and rock displacement) i am running a tunze nano stream (900gph), vortech (2700ggph) and return pump (400gph at 3ft head).

within the tank i have 4000gph flowing randomly. my TURNOVER is still at the 400gph. therefore, i have abuot 50x the amount of flow when compared to my tank volume.

if you choose to stock lps and softies, you can reduce your flow rate to probably 25-40x (check with other members, i have never owned an lps/softy dedicated tank)

anyhow, the flow that i have in my tank virtually eleminates all dead spots and does not kick up any sand.

let me know what your budgetary contraints are and stocking ideas and i can at least point you in the right direction.
75 AGA Mixed Reef
2" SB
2x250W HQI Ice Cap Controlled
RS 80 Promo
Vortech WWD
Tunze 6025
Eheim 1260 Return
DIY Auto Top off
8G Fuge
aqua uv 15w