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Old 12/20/2007, 08:14 AM
argi argi is offline
I'm Not Perfect
Join Date: May 2002
Location: East Haddam, CT
Posts: 1,199
I have a 54 corner bowfront tank and have two vortech pumps in there. These are left over from a downsizing/combining in tanks (they were on a 220, but I sold that system and kept them for the 54).

When I had the two tanks running I used MaxiJets and a Koralia 1 (not impressed with the flow of the 1, but I guess the larger models are better) in the 54. I didn't like having the powerheads in the tank. They were just too bulky, so it was an easy decision to keep the vortechs for the 54 when the 220 was sold off.

Due to the footprint of the 54 and the type of corals I keep (mainly LPS and anemones) I have to slow the flow down all the way. I have one running 24/7 while the other one alternates on/off in 20 minute intervals using an ACjr (I don't have the upgraded wireless wavemaking drivers). The one that is on 24/7 also has the battery back up on it.

IMO, if money is not an issue I would go for the Vortech pump(s) and avoid having the powerheads in the tank.

Priority wise I agree with what people are saying. RO/DI first, powerhead second and calcium reactor third (if at all).

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