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Old 12/19/2007, 11:19 PM
steelerguy steelerguy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Stony Brook, NY
Posts: 214
The housing market here has taken a pretty big hit, you can actually get houses in good school districts for $450K now. They are not super and would need some work, but they are not bad either.

Also, winter is long here, trees lose their leaves in November and don't start getting them back until April. It is not warm until June. I grew up in Arizona, then lived in California, and Texas...this has been a hard transition. It is not the cold that bothers me, you just dress warm, it is the length of winter.

Rent is a lot here, as much as owning a house in some areas of the country. I don't think you will get a payment much under $4000 a month once you factor in taxes and insurance as it is right now. So take that into consideration...of course you can go as high as you would like.

The drivers here suck, especially up by me on the North Shore. It is really bad all over, but a little worse up here. Drivers were really bad in Austin also. So get ready for some jerky *** moron drivers.

If it is a great opportunity then I would say go for it, it is not bad here, but like somone said before, get ready to pay taxes like you have never done before. Don't expect to get anything in return for them either, this is definitely the land of corruption.

The summers and fall here are really nice. Even when it gets hot here it is not really hot if you are from the southern part of the US. There are some humid days that suck, but nothing you can't live with. The beaches are nice but you have to get there early, pay for parking, park far away, and then it is crowded...much better in Cali, but hey...they are beaches!

Being able to go into NYC is nice, of course getting there is a pain. The train costs way too much and is slow. Driving can be good but parking in the city is bad. Once you are there it is worth it though.

I think everyone should live in the NE US for at least a little while. It is totally different here than anywhere else. So easy to go visit another city or state (Boston, DC, Philly....Mass, Conn, RI, Penn, NJ). The people can be a little standoffish at first, but once you get to know them they are nice.

Shoot me a PM if you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them. I moved here for a job also and have lived here for a little over 5 years now. I make good money and have a nice job, so it was definitely worth it for me.